Saturday, June 9, 2012

To the water...

There is something about water. It has the power to soothe me somehow, to clarify my thoughts and to make it all ok. When I am near the water, I feel centred and calm.

Today has been a day of wrongs. And today has followed a week and month of things going pear-shaped. In all of the wrongness of today, I have been reminded that it has been too long since I have been to the water. It is time.

Image: birch && willow

Saturday, June 2, 2012

A New Beginning

So it begins. As with all beginnings, this one is unexpected. Here I am, wrapped in a blanket on a chilly winter morning, at the beginning of Boho Green. I'm pretty good at starting things. Ideas sweep me away and I enthusiastically dive into them. But then reality sets in, life happens, and I forget.

So, here we are. When I decided to start this blog, I envisaged a space for me to share beautiful images - my own photographs and photographs I find on my travels around the web. I envisaged self-indulgent pieces of writing about all manner of things. I hope this space becomes an inspiring place to be... but only time will tell.

What do I look like? Here I am, in my felt hat, taking photos of myself in my backyard:

Who am I? I am Kelly. I sometimes define myself by my job - teacher. Sometimes I introduce myself by how I relate to someone else - wife, friend, daughter, sister, sister-in-law, cat owner. But here, I am who I want to be - bohemian, thinker, writer, photographer, observer, musician. The more I write, the more I realise how self-indulgent blogging really is! But I hope that what I write makes whoever read this blog think, and sometimes smile.
